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09-11-2024 at 15:30:58

The beautiful neighborhoods of Melville Pk & Saint Mark are coming together to host a gigantic neighborhood yard sale on Sat. 9/21 from 9-2PM (rain date 9/22) spanning 12 streets, 25 houses and 52 participants! Collectibles, gemstone jewelry, antiques/furniture, toys, tools, Persian rugs, clothing, exercise equipment, planters etc. Whatever you are looking for we probably have it! For a street map and list of addresses visit;

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09-11-2024 at 12:04:40

Barbjmj updated their profile picture.


09-11-2024 at 12:04:40

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08-24-2024 at 9:11:20

Cward updated their profile.

08-24-2024 at 9:11:20

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08-13-2024 at 20:11:16

Big Garage/Yard Sale-16 Sherry Dr. York. Multi-families-one location for your convenience. Fri. & Sat. Aug 16 & 17 8:30-3:30. Huge variety with something for everyone! Vintage items, electronics including neck massager, foot massager, old Garmin, IMac laptop for parts, Hamilton Beach electric knife, coffee pot, Vietnam war video series, Brass items, thermos, candles, Wall art, lots of wine items, cookbooks, cat slippers, picture album, birdhouse, many throw pillows, comforter, Easter tablecloth, many children’s books and classroom items, cat dishes, people dishes, old dishes, crocks, mirror, many picture frames, books, tree stand, other Christmas items- some primitive, lantern, baskets, ladies golf clubs, push golf carts, vintage child’s ironing board, full sz bedsheets, shoes, men’s 2X golf shirts and size 40 golf shorts, women’s clothing/coats Sz med. Small furniture items, including a Shelving unit, side table, chest and lamps. Thirty-one brand bags and coolers, B&BW products.

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08-09-2024 at 12:46:22

HUGE GARAGE/YARD SALE at 14 Willowdale Road, Scarb[rough, Maine. Sat. Aug. 10. 9am to 4pm, and Sun. Aug. 11. 9am to 2pm. Antiques,Collectables,books,houseware,paintings,sports items,and more.

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Soft As A Grape Warehouse
08-08-2024 at 12:07:26

Soft As A Grape Warehouse updated their profile picture.


08-08-2024 at 12:07:26

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Soft As A Grape Warehouse
08-08-2024 at 11:56:30

Soft As A Grape Warehouse updated their profile picture.


08-08-2024 at 11:56:30

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Soft As A Grape Warehouse
08-08-2024 at 11:56:24

Soft As A Grape Warehouse updated their profile picture.


08-08-2024 at 11:56:24

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Soft As A Grape Warehouse
08-08-2024 at 11:55:14

Soft As A Grape Warehouse updated their profile picture.


08-08-2024 at 11:55:14

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07-31-2024 at 15:04:56

Lisa60707 updated their profile picture.


07-31-2024 at 15:04:56

has not posted to their Bulletin Board Wall yet.